
Sunday, 20 December 2015

The Tau Ceti Mission Christmas Giveaway

There are some great prizes to be won in the Tau Ceti Mission Christmas giveaway. You can participate via the Rafflecoptor app below. The following prizes are available:

 - Tau Ceti Mission T-Shirt
 - 3 x Mission Mugs
 - 5 x Mission Patches

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Seb will also conduct a new Q&A session soon and any question answered will be receive a Tau Ceti Mission patch (assuming you haven't already received one for a previous question). You can leave your questions in the comments section below.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Seb, when you get to Tau Ceti, will you get to a full stop in the system or will you pass through at high speed? Do you have enough thrust / sail power to break?

    By the way: There must have been a comms problem, haven't seen the Tau Ceti Patch after the first Q&A.
